"Strategizing For A Better Outcome" With Dr. Stephan Hanna, MD And Friends
Today's episode is a continuation of our discussion on Breast Cancer Awareness with Dr. Stephan Hanna, MD, Reinnie Leavitt and Renee Stevenson. Dr. Hanna is a family physician who been practicing in West Virginia for over 30 years. Dr. Hanna has been a guest on "Soaring In Health &Wellness" in the past and will continue to be in the future. Reinnie Leavitt, BART, (R) (T) is the Director of Cancer Services, Cancer Service Line Administrator at WVU Cancer Institute; Camden Clark Comprehensive Regional Cancer Center. Renee Stevenson, BSN, Masters in Divinity, RN is an Oncology Nurse Navigator Breast Health at WVU Medicine, Camden Clark Medical Center. Our discussion today includes: local statistics as well as state statistics; other most common cancers; different types of screening for breast cancer- genetics, imaging, etc; stratifying breast cancer through the TNM System; simple overview of treatment options (Breast Conserving Therapy-lumpectomy, radiation, chemotherapy, surgery); preventive lifestyle changes and areas in the world with extreme longevity.